CRA Meeting
The CRA will meet on March 29th, 2025, the meeting will be held in Ithaca at the Boathouse following the morning races.
The CRA will meet on March 29th, 2025, the meeting will be held in Ithaca at the Boathouse following the morning races.
The Cornell Rowing Association invites you to the 3rd Biennial Cornell Rowing Annual Fund Dinner (the event is biennial, the fund is annual…) to honor the following charger donors to the Rowing Championship Fund:
Jay Abbe ‘63
Ken Brown ‘74
Ivan Rudolph-Shabinsky ‘86
Dewey Shay ‘80
Don Spero ‘61
Bob Staley ‘ 57
David Watts ‘60
As in the past, the event will be held at the Cornell Club in NYC at 6 East 44th Street. “Cocktail attire” (whatever that means).
The annual meeting of the Cornell Rowing Association (CRA) will take place at the Cornell Club in NYC (6 East 44th Street) on the afternoon of February 2nd - preceding the Annual Fund Dinner taking place that evening. The following will be presented:
Rowing Report
Fiscal Report
University Report
There will also be an election of Members of the Board of Trustees of the CRA.
All members of the CRA are invited to attend. A member of the CRA is anyone who rowed for Cornell who has made any financial contribution to Cornell Rowing in the prior year.
If you want an excuse to get to Ithaca before winter starts to set in, come see all the crews compete in the Cornell Autumn Classic.
The Cornell Women’s team, under the leadership of Eric Carcich - the new Bob Staley Head Coach of Women’s Rowing, will be competing again at the Princeton Chase. Great race for those in the tribe-state area to attend.
Fall is here and the Head of the Charles is coming! As with last year, we will have a complete write up of all the Cornell related entries known to us - including as many alumni as possible. To let us know about your plans to race, please contact us with info.
The next meeting of the CRA Board of Trustees will take place at Cornell's Collyer Boathouse on September 29, 2018 - starting at 11:30 am and lasting until about 3:00 pm. This meeting coincides with the Schwartz Cup races earlier that morning. Any Cornell rowing alumni wishing to attend are welcome, but please inform Steve Caraher, Associate Director of Athletic Alumni Affairs and Development by using the contact form on this site.
Men's LWT @ West Windsor, N.J. ==> IRA Championship
Men's HWT @ West Windsor, N.J. ==> IRA Championship
Women's Rowing @ Camden, N.J. ==> Ivy League Rowing Championship
Men's LWT @ Worcester, Ma. ==> Eastern Sprints
Men's HWT @ Worcester, Ma. ==> Eastern Sprints
Women's Rowing @ Hanover, N.H. ==> Dartmouth (Parent's Cup)
Men's LWT @ Hanover, N.H. ==> Dartmouth (Baggaley Bowl)
Men's HWT @ Home ==> Penn & Georgetown
Women's Rowing @ Home ==> Brown & Navy (Dunn Bowl)
Men's LWT @ Boston, Ma ==> MIT & Columbia (Geiger Cup)
Men's HWT @ Home ==> Yale & Princeton
Women' Rowing @ Clemson, S.C. ==> Clemson Invitational
Men's LWT @ Princeton, N.J. ==> Princeton (Platt Cup)
Men's HWT @ Syracuse ==> Syracuse & Navy
Women's Rowing @ Princeton, NJ ==> Yale & Columbia, Princeton & Radcliffe (Class of '75 Cup)
Men's LWT @ Home ==> Penn & Harvard (Mathew's Cup)
Women's Rowing @ Camden, N.J. ==> Doc Hosea Invitational Regatta
Men's LWT @ Home ==> Ithaca College Duels
Men's HWT @ Cambridge, Ma. ==> Harvard and George Washington
Carl Ullrich '50 will be honored as the 2017 recipient of the Cornell Rowing Association's "Whitey" Mullestein '32 Leadership Award. The award is presented to those who have provided a lifetime of distinguished support to the Cornell Crews. The dinner will be held at the Cornell Rowing Center in Ithaca, NY. To sign up for the dinner, please click here.
Carl Ulrich served in the Navy and the Marine Corps. He rowed at Cornell and helped the crew win a national championship in 1949. After serving in the Korean War with the Marines, Carl served as a rowing coach at several schools, including stints at Cornell, Columbia, Boston College and the Naval Academy, where he eventually ended up in administration in the athletic department. He left the Naval Academy for a brief stint as Athletic Director at Western Michigan University before becoming the first civilian Athletics Director at West Point Military Academy. In perhaps the most important decision he made there, he replaced the football coach with a new coach - Jim Young - who proceeded to turn around the program and lead the Black Knights to three bowl games and three Commander in Chief's Trophy titles. After retiring from West Point, Carl took over the newly formed Patriot League and tried to retire again. St. Andrew's College in North Carolina pulled him back into an Athletic Director role two more times before he finally retired to Virginia.
In 2007, Carl was inducted into the Army Sports Hall of Fame.
Carl has been married to his wife Becky for over 60 years, over which time they have raised five children. His family and friends, as well as several of the rowers who were coached by Carl while he was at Cornell, will all be attending the dinner. We are all looking forward to a wonderful evening to honor Carl's many years of dedicated support of the Cornell Crew.
The next meeting of the CRA Board of Trustees will take place at Cornell's Collyer Boathouse on September 30, 2017 - starting at 11:30 am and lasting until about 3:00 pm. This meeting coincides with the Schwartz Cup races earlier that morning and the Mullestein Dinner that evening. Any Cornell rowing alumni wishing to attend are welcome, but please inform Steve Caraher, Associate Director of Athletic Alumni Affairs and Development by using the contact form on this site.
Reunion Weekend is June 8-10. Reunion Row will be held Saturday, June 10 at the Boathouse. The boathouse will be open around 8:30am. At 9:00am there will be a naming ceremony for three hulls, which will be followed by rowing. You can join in for a row or just visit with teammates and coaches throughout the morning. If there are large groups attending who would like to row together, please contact the coaching staff to arrange shells and oars to be set aside. The CRA is sponsoring a lunch that will be served after the row.